


Me vs. society (or myself?)
2001-05-20 1:06 a.m.

in a cage

havent been given food in weeks

hungry beyond any understandabe reason

driven to mere insanity

will do anything to get some flesh

weak yet ready to burst at the smell of meat


and the doors open, im storming outside.

tens of thousends of people cheering and screaming, looking for blood.

sunshine which blinds my eyes.

and there appears my desirable human flesh, just there waiting to be torn apart.

my eyes suddenly see red, and my face reddens as well with both fury and beastly joy

the crowd yellls, and my heartbeat rises

speeding towards my victim.



rage comes out of my mouth.

blood comes out of my veins.

yet i keep at going at my prey nonetheless.

stabbed again and again and again. crowd ecstatic. the red in my eyes turns black.

my face goes white.



again in my cage. hungry like the wolf.


the doors open, and a strange feeling of remembrance come to mind. yet i race towards the noisy stadium.

this time i'll make it. I HAVE TO.


quote of the day : "they say there's love in the world".

(ummmm could you be more specific??? cause im having a hard time finding it.....)

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