


soul brother
2001-06-05 3:03 a.m.

i got this guestbook entry two days ago :

"I don't know if it's scaring or comforting that i am you, that you are me. In fact, that i was you, few years ago; thus, you are me, you will probably be me. Scaring or comforting? and to whom?".

first i'd like to say i love this entry. it makes me think. and thinking is good. i think.

but many questions rise from it:

-in which way is he me? the sexual identity stuff? the anti-socialness? the way of thought? the wierdness? or maybe all of the above together? (in which case he really is/had been me) did he read all my entries or just one?

- am i really gonna become him? is my future sealed, no matter what i do or what happens to me? i think that's not very likely. it's more logical that our personalities happened to be the same at some point, and from that point and on each one will evolve differently through the course of time. or maybe im wrong and we are identical. who knows.

- who is he? if i really am him then i think i would like to know how i will become. is he in a better point at life than i am? should i look forward and be optimistic? or maybe he just wrote the entry from an insane asylum? (hopefully not... but probable with my personality considered....).

- how did he get out of this mess? i think i need some advice! isn't it his duty to help me as my soul brother (or sister?) ? or maybe not, maybe i have to deal with this by myself?


but it does make you feel less alone, having someone out there who was in your situation. i think. or does it?

quote of the day : "what seems like an interlude now, could be the beginning of love" .

just heard it one the radio. i dont have someone in mind when i sing the song in my head. that's sad. but interlude is a lovely word isnt it?

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