


im bummed and im happy (leaving)
2001-07-07 3:08 a.m.

im BUMMED and im HAPPY.

im BUMMED for no reason.

im BUMMED cause today in my few social interactions i have been a bit claustrophobic.

im BUMMED cause i didnt go meet dor because i knew i was a bit socially claustrophobic today.

im BUMMED cause not wanting to meet people because im socially claustrophobic makes me even more socially claustrophobic.

im BUMMED cause all day i was feeling nervous. not excited, but nervous. when i shouldnt.

im BUMMED cause all day i have had this slight feeling of physical frustration which i cant explain. and i would have jacked off but its not my jacking off day and it wouldnt have helped anyway.

im BUMMED cause i have a slight headache and im tired and i probably wont get any sleep in the next 20 hours or so, and i'll be soo tired tommarow. (today). and instead of going to sleep i've wasted the last 5 hours or so infront of the computer screen.

im BUMMED cause im not even sure if BUMMED is a word, and if it's the word i've been meaning to write. and that means my english is weak. which is BUMMING.

im HAPPY since im leaving for greece in an hour. WEEEEEEE.

im HAPPY cause i know it'll be fun.

im HAPPY cause it'll be really fun probably.

im HAPPY cause even though this wasnt my best day, i still feel pretty strong, and i dont feel depressed at all, and i dont feel like crying.

im HAPPY cause i remember my path.

im HAPPY cause dor really likes me. i can tell.

im HAPPY because im going to greece in less than an hour.

im HAPPY eventhough i cant think of any other reason why im HAPPY.

im BUMMED and im HAPPY.


quote of the day : "When someone asks me if I've found Jesus, I say, 'Yeah, I saw him at a Nirvana concert a couple of years ago.' I mean really. It's like, Jesus has got things to do, he's got a ten o'clock. He's not going to fix things for me, I have to fix things for myself, so I try to have a sense of humor about it and nobody finds my humor very amusing. We've just got to lighten up on the whole savior bit, folks."

thanks to Tori Amos and thank to ramanda

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