


a recieved reply to an unsent message.
2001-07-20 10:03 p.m.

and.... just got an e-mail from her. im not sure if its a reply to mine or not, maybe we sent the e-mails at the exact same time. if thats the case then ....... theres been some divine intervention or something. i got her e-mail like 2 minutes after sending her mine.


ignore what i just said. cause i also got an e-mail telling me that the e-mail i sent her had a wrong address. meaning she didnt even get my e-mail!! meaning we did write our e-mails at the same time. WOW.

i mean WOW.


entitled " hi gorgeous " :)


How are you?

I wanted to tell you that I was very happy with your little paper. It was waiting for when I got up. It certainly made my day!

( i left her a paper on their hotel room balcony with a little drawing, and it said " i already miss you " )

My sister told me that you guys were coming? I realy hope so, I'd like it. My mom too said that you were very welcome here! It's a pitty though, that ehoud won't be there.

(ehud is going to the army on thursday)

Was his girlfriend happy with her towel? Have you told Leor that my sister thaught he was like a 'mysterie' to her? And has Nir told you about his attempt to kiss Eline?

She (Eline) said she has chosen Stijn (the suicidal alcoholic guy), but she still hasn't told Nils (the stupid guy that ran into the glass!) I think she's going to Nils tomorrow, I even think that she is going to sleep there! Stijn is here now, they are in her room.

I think of you a lot. I hope you still do so too.And I'm taking good care of Dan junior!

( i bought her a small cat like figure in return for her massage, and she named it dan junior... :-) )

He stands next to my bed!

I hope I'll be hearing something of you soon!



ps: Can I read your diary? Pretty please????

I'm thinking"

ohohhohohoh i love that girl.

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