


2001-07-30 5:39 a.m.

im 18. im 18 for 5 hours already. good? bad? i dont know. your call. anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY me.



you have been my dearest friend and lover, as well as an enemy.

our relationship is tough, and there many obstacles to overcome, but still i love u, always remember that. even when i do hurt u intentionally, its not intentionally.

i hold my fingers that we might be able to experience joy, that age 18 will be more than a number, that it'll be the end of an era for you, and for us. an end which will lead to a beginning, of a whole life ahead of us.

and what a wonderful life it will be. you have every right to be optimistic, eventhough if right now you feel like you're suffocating, even if right now you feel like there's no use to it all, even if right now you want to die. those are just feelings which cant really be explained and hold no meaning, and you need to elevate yourself above them.

together we'll succeed. i can feel it.

yours truly, now and forever,

dan. *MUaH*


hahaha i love fucking with myself. i bet youre wondering " damn, this guy needs psychiatric help fast". well youre probably right! :)))))))))))))

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