


2001-08-20 1:03 a.m.

the border between the mind and the body is so very small.

just a few days ago i was doing my homework for the psychometric course, and i was actually having kinda of fun, i actually was a bit sorry when i finished all of it.

a few days ago i was feeling pretty good about everything.

today i tried studying again. and i JUST COULDNT get myself to study more than 20 minutes. i kept looking at the watch, moving my leg frantically, snapping at my mom.

and its not like i had any other important stuff to do. it was just physical reactions to mental state of minds. the mind and body plotting TOGETHER, how they can fuck me. im being ganged up on!!!

today i went to the pool to swim, and there was this really cute girl there swimming in my lane. a few monthes ago i would kill myself for not talking to her, and whine about my low self-confidence. now i just say "fuck it, you know you wont talk to her, so dont lose mental energy over it". and i dont.

im not sure if thats good or bad. i think good, even if a bit sad. your call anyway....

quote of the day :

" a jew , an arab , a polish guy, and the president of the united state go into a pub. after oh too many shots of taquilla's/vodka-redbulls/johnny walkers the jew says to the polish guy : 'WAAAASSSUUUP'. the polish guy gives the jew a high five, and turns to the president. 'WWWAAASSSUUUUPPPP'. the president in return gives the polish guy a good smack on the back, and they both crack up in hysterical&silly laughter. all the meantime the arab is mumbling shit to himself, only to leave the pub early cause he doesnt feel part of all the fun.

the end."

ahhhhhhhh the pearls of wisdom my human mind can come up with.

*crowd cheering, yelling for encore*.

*mindlesslug bows*

"thank you, thank you...... g'night folks!".

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