


the massiah won't EVEN call.
2001-09-03 2:45 a.m.

i look at myself in the mirror. what i see doesn't make sense.

i see a handsome eighteen year old boy ( man ? nahhh ), with a beard, standing there in his boxers.

where did all these problems come from?

there's a really cute girl who sits infront of me in the psychometric course.

the time : 15 minutes recess during the course. me in bad mental state. singing to myself "im so FUCKING lonely, and i ain't even high".

she comes, sits close to me, obviously interested. i dont start talking to her. i dont know what to say.

ironic, isn't it?

oh and after that i went to the toilets and got stuck there, to add up to the irony.



2 days ago we went to a pub. and we were being silly, and ehud (friend) took some lettuce with the intention to put them in my pants. so me, self defensivly took a glass and warned him i would spill the water in his face if he did.

and he still tried to put the lettuce in my pants, and me in a second decision tried to spill the water in his face, but his face was JUST NOT IN THE RIGHT PLACE.

thus i broke the glass in his face, and he started bleeding for 5 minutes from his nose.

ha ha ha ha . i was just " shit shit shit shit im sorry " , and all my friends were saying with good spirit " god this is so typical of you!! dan, you have broken a NEW stupidity record! ".

impuslive is my middle name......:)


im okay.

quote of the day : " the massiah won't come. he wont even call" .

its all up to me.

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