


he smiled at me!
2001-09-04 2:47 a.m.

driving around the streets of the big city.

and everywhere i look, walking down the street, driving in cars, sitting in cafe's, EVERYWHERE, there are people. of all races, ages, and kinds.

i stare at them. trying to figure them out during the few seconds i got while waiting for the red light to change to a green one.

some don't know they're being watched. some know and ignore. and some know, and watch me back. but the minute there's eye contact, thats the signal for one of us to look away.

cause people are suspicious. the minute they know they are being watched they feel intimidated, and they start thinking why is this kid staring at them, is there something wrong with their hair.

and eye contact with a stranger is intimidating too ofcourse.

people are cold.

and i continue watching.

SUDDENLY, a friendly face, a beautiful face, smiling at me. and it's a big face, and the smile is full of love, and the eyes are full of meaningful charm. he smiled at me. i looked into his eye and smiled back.

and another face, a face of happiness, a face of someone who's about to start laughing any minute with you. she smiled at me. i looked into her eye, and smiled back.

and the same faces again and again and again and again and again.

they were on posters. HE was smiling at me so i would buy a deodorant, and SHE was smiling at me so i'd buy a shampoo.

oh joy. oh joy!

modern life

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