


good defeats evil.
2001-09-28 4:06 a.m.

i'm not okay. i'm really not. but i'm better.

2 hours ago i was at rock bottom. 2 hours ago nothing could have been worse. 2 hourse ago the tears didn't come out, but the heart was just plain dead.

but hey, i'm not 17 anymore, and saying that might sound silly to you when i'm 18, but to me it doesn't.

i'm not made of glass. self destructive? yeah. but there's a limit to what i'm letting myself do to myself.

TAKE THAT, evil inner spirit.

evil spirit : "i'm melting.... no..... no.....". oh that's a shame. (but don't worry, it always miraculously comes back..:(........).


tommarow i'm moving for 10 days to my uncles house, cause him and my aunt are flying to argentina, and i'm left in charge of 14 and 9 year old cousins.

hey someone believes i'm respsonible enough. freaks!

(well actually i will be responsible so don't worry)


yeah well i'm tired. i'm not a very interesting diary to read these days.

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