


hidden meanings of eureka
2001-10-07 6:41 p.m.

yesterday's "eureka" was not in the sense of "oh i found something important" sense, but more of in a sense of "god i have officially drained myself out mentally and emotionally, i've officially gone through tens of states of mind in 2 fucking hours, and my internal energy only lets me blurt out and whisper a faint 'eureka' ,hoping it will symbolize all i feel".

yep that's what it was.

tommarow's is the last night i spend with mon cousins. flying in 7 days.

i'm problematic and clueless and resourceful.i just felt like saying that about myself without really knowing why or pondering the _______ of it. (fill in blank with truthfulness/falseness).

melon, czech republic, dream, pizza, balls, screen, fingers, aluminiom foil, cousins, ich.

i think playing the association game when you have 3 seconds typing time between words and when you delete the typos and when you reenter associations which sound reasonable eventhough you didn't think of them initially kinda of takes out all the fun.

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