


2001-10-14 2:05 a.m.

and i'm off. europe to your brains.


teacupstorm worries me.


found out dor considers me as his best friend and admires me. that makes me happy. i don't think you can call it a childish crush, things being as they are. :). and who said anything about crush anyway. just a person which i love and which is a good friend. platonic. yeah well.


i need to buy katrijn a present. i also told that adi girl i'd buy her a present. what's the point of writing this? not everything that passes through my mind should be written here. actually i'm probably just bragging to myself that 2 cute girls like me. theoretically i have a love life. or at least the potential for it. bla.


i was planning on getting to amsterdam and getting high there with my friend smoking exquisit joints for the first time, but then i realized that i had signed a contract with the army claiming i won't do any drugs, and they fucking check you with a fucking polygraph machine, and then they fucking kick you out of the intelligence unit which will hopefully be my unit.

so no chemical highs for me.


i'm leaving my house in an hour or so. god. in 10 hours i'll be in rome.

and you know that all the roads lead to rome........

so this is goodbye for now. if i dont update it doesn't mean i'm dead, it just means i'm having the time of my life.


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