


i feel dead
2001-11-20 12:34 a.m.

what a bad day

what a bad day

didn't leave the house - had no reason too

dana isn't returning my messages and i think she's angry at me and it's eating me inside out

dor gets offended by irrational crap (as always) and says little things that are like daggers to my heart

i want to throw up. from everything. i want to throw up.

i probably will too

i had nightmares when i slept

saw too many sitcoms

didn't eat enough but i don't feel like eating

nobody reads this diary evidentally. it seems i lost my few loved followers. ANYBODY OUT THERE? HEY CAN YOU HEAR ME?

life is okay these days but now it feels like total shit and i don't want to rationalize myself into feeling better, assuming that i could

what a bad day

what a bad day


"why are men like laxatives? they irritate the shit out of you"

i just read that and i don't find that funny. at all.

har har

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