


i'm just telling it (as it is)
2001-12-02 1:14 a.m.

just a few minutes ago (1:14 a.m) i found out that there was a bomb exlposion in jerusalem 2 hours ago (the statistics point to numerous deaths so far). my first thought was : "shit this means that they will need to change the headlines on the papers which means the papers won't come on time which means i'm gonna work until 7 a.m. today. shit."

i'm not apologizing. and i'm not trying to be rebellious or cynical. i'm not gonna tell myself i'm a bad heartless person because of my thoughts and i'm not gonna rationalize it into making it seem as if i'm a good/normal person for my thougts.

i'm just telling it


add on (3:07 a.m.): i forgot my duty. yes yes ladies and gentlemen today is saturday and i promised to keep y'all informed on my fattening diet. so. today i am 56.2 kg (124 pounts) which is yet another +0.7 kg (1.5 pound) weekly gain. yay for me and yay for eating non-stop and yay for looking better.


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