


statistical FREAK
2002-01-22 8:21 p.m.

being the statistics freak that i am:

you know when you search diaryland for musical taste you get all the people with the band you searched, and on the side you get the chart of the top 20 musical artists according to the number of people who listed them.

well silly me i have started to make chart of it and everyday i go to every one of the top 6 artists and write down how much people listed them only to compare how much people who like radiohead/tori amos/bjork joined the diaryland clan the last day.

ofcourse i'm rooting for radiohead to get out of the medicore 3'rd spot (3032) and beat linkin 'garbage' park (4611). i'm aware of the fact that it won't happen anytime soon. but let's hold our fingers and let the trend burn itself slowly but surely. (only until another garbage band joins the garbage scene to the satisfaction of garbage seeking unintelligent lifeforms).


i have alot to say. i will take the time to say it soon. soon. when i'm not soooo tired.

i'm probably short of some kind of vitamin B or something of the sort. it's not my fault i'm tired.

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