


2002-01-24 7:03 p.m.

revelation revelation revelation revelation.

when i hear when i hear when i hear when i hear those sounds coming out of my stereo. i become smarter by 1000 %. and i see the future.

i don't see WHAT is going to happen. but i know know i know i know i know i know everything. everything i know. everything.

i don't know who i'm going to be, but i know i know i know i know everything.

and HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA hahahahahahahahaha you have no idea. you have no idea how crazy i am. you have no idea what i'm going to make of this life. don't worry i'll surprise you i'll surprise myself i'll surprise the world. don't worry don't worry.

li la li la you think i'm neurotic you think i'm weird you think i'm special you think i'm boring you think i have nothing to say you think i'm cute you think i'm totally nuts you think i'm dumb you think i'mjust a teenager who's enthrilled with life you think i'm pathetic you think i'm a nerd you don't think too much of me do you friend do you do you do you not? you think you know everything you think you're right well twenty thousand shades of wrong as our dear erin would say.

BECAUSE because because because because you haven't seen a small part of it. you HAVEN't seen one quarter of what i'm capable of. no chains no strings nothing attached. i am an eagle flying through the sky and now you only see me as a little bird who's trying to hop hop hop hop and one day I will fly and then you will see the true colors of my insanity.

you think you don't understand?

well yeah i never was too good with words. even when i talk to myself.

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