


mpfff what an anti-climax.
2002-03-15 12:50 a.m.

the secret is becoming less and less of a secret.

lior honey i've known you since we were 3 years old and when i tell you i'm probably gay you should make at least some sort of scene about it, give me my daily injection of drama damnit. don't be all 'good for you' , 'it has nothing to do with our friendship'. you're such an anti-climax.

thanks for reacting perfectly.

i have such good friends.


my mind is blank.

so i'll use my blank mind to talk about my first day in the army.

i have 23 more days.

on the first day. i will get to the place at about 7:30 a.m. after probably not sleeping all night. on the way there i'll have butterflies in my stomach and i probably won't be able to talk.

my parents will come and probably my friends nir and dor. hopefully.

i will wait something of about 20 minutes and then they will call my name and when they say it my heart will stop beating and then i will take my big bag and hug my parents and my friends and get on the bus and see my mother shed a tear and i will be too uptight to shed a tear and i'll wave to them from the bus and i'll look around at all the people and everybody will be silent and we will drive 5 mintues and stop and then we'll go to a fitting room and we'd have to choose our uniform size and we will choose our uniform and then i will be a soldier.

the uniform won't be comfortable it will be either too big or too small.

i will still have butterflies in my stomach at that point.

then we will have the physical examination and we will get the injections.

i'm scared of needles but i'll live.

after the injection i'll probably feel dizzy for a while but i'll survive. we will have lunch and the faces i saw on the bus will have names and some half broken conversations will take place.

i will still have butterflies in my stomach. and i will be shocked because i'll acknowledge the fact that i'm a soldier now. that my life has changed completely. that my freedom has been exchanged by female commanders ordering me around.

the day will go on with interviews and such and we will sleep in a tent there and such will be the first day of my military service.

i'll still have butterflies in my stomach at that point.


10 more days and i'll be the only one left not in the army. our little bird lior will fly away too.


after he goes there is the jewish holiday passover and the day after i'm flying to istanbul (turkey) with all my family ( grandma grandpa uncle aunt cousin cousin mother father sister brother in law niece and me), and then it will be my last week.

after that i won't be able to update more than once a week (if i'm lucky) for the simple reason i won't be at home. you won't abandon me my little bunnies right?

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