


documentation rules.
2004-03-28 3:13 a.m.

this is kind of kool

i managed to put in the password... it didn't work the last couple of times i tried.

so hello again diary.

maybe i'll start writing here again? looking backwards i really love this place and more than liking the place i like the fact that i have documentation of my life. it gives it some importance more than the immediate. if ye know what i mean.

the problem is that i wanted to tell noam about this diary and if i keep writing here it will be kind of impossible to do it with total honesty knowing that he will read this.

and i feel like i'm writing to him now. i really like you noam :) if eventually i do keep on writing here and i will tell you about the diary you have to not take anything to seriously... most entries here, much like this one, were written totally spontaneously without any previous thought put into it. i just write what comes out. i fucked you mama yesterday. ummm you see it's all crap.

i almost ( sometimes i did ) never tried to do something in order to impress someone else or myself. this is not literature writing and i presume i have not one but many spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the diary.

it's probably not even worthwhile for you to read earlier entries.... eventhough when i look at them it makes me feel and remember those feelings all over again, objectively it doesn't have much value, mostly just emotional self concentrated whinines. kinda of embarassing to tell you the truth.

well i'm aplogizing for this diary too much - when i read earlier entries i do really like some of them - i'm just afraid of being criticized y'know. and i want to get rid of any future inhibitions ( right word? ) in my writing by you taking this too seriously.

and that's about it. by the way i don't presume that any of the 1 or 2 readers that used to read my diary ( i still remember you Erin and cherish you ) will still read this entry, much like i don't presume that i will get any new readers.

but just for the record. Noam is a very very very good friend of mine. he's a fairly new friend but i talk with him alot and about everything, and at least in this point in my life i don't have anything to hide from him. so why not let him read my diary.

it feels strange. this place is a piece of my past and that's the way i regarded it. but maybe it has a future too? a different one from the past , no doubt , but nonetheless.

documentation rules.

so fellows i'm back, bolder and more beautiful than ever.

"someone has been telling lies about joseph K., for one morning, without having done anything wrong, he woke up to find out he was arrested, "

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