


2005-10-15 11:35 a.m.

and heres an add on to make me feel safe and convince you my little bunnies that im not that stupid : "In June 2002, a study conducted amongst 135 HIV-negative Spanish heterosexuals, who were in a sexual relationship with a person who was HIV-positive, reported that over 19,000 instances of unprotected oral sex had not lead to any cases of HIV transmission."

ill be okay!

in life you have to consider the statistics in everything, you cant just go panicking about every little shit, i mean the hyprocritical thing is that people freak out about smoking marijuana (drugs!) or having unprotected oral sex or coming to israel, but they dont freak out when they drive they car. i say that to everyone who says he is afraid to come to israel - the chance of getting killed in a bombing there is much much much lower then getting killed or injured in a car accident no matter where you live. and that might sound fartish of me, but i really honestly dont think it is, i really honestly think that statistics are the essence of life, and should be taken in consideration as much as possible.

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