


best of luck, invader zim buso!
2006-10-19 1:58 a.m.

standing on the edge of the knife, between pride and shame

lying there on his bed, with his cock in my hand, my cum on chest, serenity is this

looking into his eyes, touching his thighs

powerful orgasm

hiding my repulsion from his hairy back

thinking of how i will ignore him later, after this is done, while his body is stuck next to mine

you want a hug, i go for the cheek kiss, oh how embarassing, you have my number and i have yours
i feel like i need to take a shower, to wash away something, but the shower i need is not physical, i need to clean my soul

but then again this is the stuff things are made off, and if you disregard that elusive notion of happiness, you realise this is the way it should have been, and that thought by itself can make you feel that elusive happiness for a fraction of a second.

all the best of luck for you, invader zim buso! please have a happy life. honestly.

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