


introduction : the truth.
2006-10-27 3:36 a.m.

hidden behind one segment of mathetmatical formal assumptions to the next, in the back seat of my car, there's a ghost which appears and vanishes, and behind them all there is the truth.

you can cover, you can sweep it under the bed, but the truth will not go away, you can even change all it's physical real world appearences into something else, but it's there.

that grey lump stuck there in my esophagus, but just remember that if you're handling a dead frog's esophagus try not to tear it into two, cause then you will get for the dead frog an A- instead of an A+.

don't matter if you're travlling around the world, selling 2 glasses for 25 pound, only today, jacking off in your bed, or living your student life ( yes yes now i am a student in university, finished my first week today ). it don't matter, that lump, that truth, was always there and always will be there. and that's determinism for u.

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