


3 weeks later, uriah.
2008-06-06 7:31 a.m.

3 weeks later.
after a short improvement in my situation, i yet again fall into obsession, alongwith the realisation of how futile my searches to find someone who i like half as much as i did uriah are. feeling, not fact.

and i check his internet profile twice a day at least, and after seeing all the movies we talked about ( yeah well only 2 fritz lang movies ), and downloading all the music we talked about, i'm running out of things that might make me feel he's next to me, and i wish him dead, i honestly , or not honestly, hope he kills himself, before i send him some stupid email regarding porn with people who have down syndrome or with pictures of insects on dicks.

and i talk to guy after guy on the internet, and i can't even remember their names, and most of all of them are so boring, and the one or two guys who aren't are extremely fat, and i'm tired, oh so tired. fatigued yet again, and the story is old, and you've heard it all before, but maybe a bit different this time, and i'm human and i need to be loved like anyone else.

I belong to the blank generation? Fuck you.

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