


finger in ass
2008-07-13 10:48 a.m.

And then as i was walking through the streets of old Jerusalem, i saw one of those rich American women walking around with thier dog, thinking it's Manhattan.

The dog was kind of cute, and it started jumping around me, all happy, so i petted her ( female ). But then after a while it showed her teeth, and it was obvious she was going to bite me ( suddenly also she became twice as large and changed colors from white to black ). So in order to shush her down, I pointed my finger ferociously at her, probably like you should do to a dog who's going over the limit.

But to my surprise, the owner of the dog immediately stuck her finger deep in my ass, in order to hurt me so I won't be able to touch her dog. It was very very painful, and i had to shout STOP. The pain was very real and excruciating, very much like
the pain of a large dick in my ass. ( And maybe also a bit pleasurable )

After she pulled her finger out, i started yelling at her there in the street, calling her and the other women who seemed to be her mom, whores. This led her to yell at me that she'll call a cop if i don't stop, and I yelled at her " Are you kidding me? ", and told her it's not America, she can't order a cop against me because I'm cursing her, and then i realized that i should be calling a cop on her, since she physically attacked me. I told her i will sue her, and after a while even her mom admitted that what she did wasn't... right.

The realization that she might really be sued justifiably hit her, and she offered to give me 20 shekels and get it over with, but then i realized that i actually have a case against her and can blackmail her, and 1000 dollars on the spot seemed like a good amount that she might pay on the spot without further ado. She said hell no, and then i told her i really would sue her.

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