


sitting here in my dark room at 5:30, dark inside, dark outside.
2008-11-20 5:30 a.m.

and every day i have such dark dreams, such dark fucking dreams, all the time, all the fucking time, and i wake up, and i remember them for a second, and i put them aside, and go to university, and go to work, and talk with friends, and the sun is out, and all is normal, and then i go to sleep, and i have those dark dreams, though dark fucking dreams, and then you're surprised i cry for no reason at the movie theater.

Dreams of perverted sexuality, of kids bullying me, of having tantrums, and screaming and screaming, and always fucking running, running away from god knows what.

well yeah, it's every night, but maybe it's a bit bias, always there are the more neutral dreams that also come, every night, so maybe i'm being over dramatic, since i cover the whole gamut every night, so i'm bound to remember more strongly the fucking dark ones. fucking dark though.

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