


2008-12-08 11:48 a.m.

in my dream you came over to my place, along with lots of other young american friends. Me and you were in my bed, and your friends were just loitering around in my room. At first it was all cool, i was happy i was meeting new people, though your friends were a bit childish. I remember talking to one of them, and it turns out he studies piano with my former piano teachers, and was supposed to be this kind of prodigy. It was obvious he was trying to prove that he plays the piano better than me, and i remember thinking that he was immature and cocky.

As the dream went on, we started making out, i sucked you off, and later on you fucked me, it was all fun but a bit intimidating ( and hurt a bit when you penetrated), especially since some of your friends were still in the room, and it seemed pretty strange to me. You came, but i didn't cum yet, and you got up to leave, but i asked you to stay so i jack off while you lye naked besides me. I remember feeling embarrassed. I tried jacking off, but couldn't cum, and i remember apologizing.

This is where the dream takes a sharp turn, to being a nightmare - After we have sex, i go out to my living room, and find out that all your friends started trashing the place. I kindly ask them to leave, some of them laugh, some of them do leave ( they multiplied to around twenty kids ), but most of them just stay and laugh. I remember thinking that they are fucking immature, but i continue to ask them to leave. But as time goes by, they become more and more immature, and start seriously breaking some of my kitchen plates, jumping on the sofa, etc. etc. There was a long pretty monotonic part of the dream, where i beg your friends to leave ( you're already not there, you left after the sex ), but they keep on getting worse, some of them even start having a fight with me, and i remember feeling helpless and especially ashamed, since they're much younger than me, but because i'm physically small i have nothing to do. I call the cops, and after a lot of more apartment trashing, the dream ends when the cops come.

Well, if i already invested the time in writing the email, might as well add the dream to my blog :)

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