


Saturday stroll through the park
2008-12-13 5:52 p.m.

He said come quick, so i came over quick

We took the elevator to the second floor, i tried to make small talk, he replied with as little words as he could muster

He said the floor was ours

He told me to choose my room, and we ended up going through some room with an x-ray machine to some room with some medical equipment and a big glass window.

He took his shirt off, i took off mine, and he told make to take the rest off.


15-20 minutes later


We stand silently in the elevator, i don't try to make small talk this time. I try to initiate eye contact, maybe i'll manage to get even a smile, but it's obvious he's from the types that want you to be gone as far away as possible after they'd cummed. I let that be. I say i had fun, he mumbles something.

I drive back, not sure if i'm happy or i'm sad or neither.

The song on the radio brings up for a second some bit of that five percent, spilling out of my fingernails

I walk through the park, with cum on my teeth.

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