


2009-04-27 8:03 p.m.

telling the truth all the time, to everyone, and to myself, has been the name of the game for some years now. Being honest with my feelings, telling important intimacies from my life and world view to complete strangers after meeting them for 10 minutes, not being ashamed to cry in front of anyone, writing in this diary, and in general - wearing my heart on my sleeve.

That approach has its merits, and it made other people like me, and it made me like myself.

But sometimes i think, maybe, enough? Having people deal superficially with important stuff, since they don't know how to do any better, or don't care enough for me, is pretty tiring. And I never manage to explain things as they are ( here is probably where i get closest to it, but it never works like that in real life ), and that kind of makes things... cheap.

So i've been thinking about making some minor reassessments to my attitude, just thinking, don't worry, just thinking.

And Truth, anyway, it's confusing. Since people all the time say how great it is, and how saying the truth and being honest frees one up, and that the goal of everything is to untie all the knots in our conscious, so we can reveal the real truth behind everything (emptiness, right? ). But after turning around so many stones, it makes one wonder. what really lies behind the obsession of modern society with truth.

and anyway, knowledge comes with death's release, right?

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