


arm-biting rebellion
2001-06-13 4:50 a.m.

im feeling like i just need to tackle life. i dont want to go to sleep. i wanna try doing stuff. but there's nothing I CAN do. well im talking again to this girl on the icq. conversations becoming a bit more intimate. hope im not frightening her with my stupid honesty. she's nice though. you know what do to do right? sigh..... argh.... sigh.... argh......

a few hours i made another resolution, while hearing my music: everytime i hear the word KISS being spoken or sung, or read it, i'll bite my arm as hard as i can. and the pain will be the kinda of pain that only goes off 2 minutes after or so. and it'll leave little red marks on my arms. and i'll do this always, everytime i hear the stupid word, until i have a kiss of my own to think about.

yeah thats my little rebellion.

quote of the day " living at the edge of the world".

wanna fall off of it.

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