


yet another weather storm
2001-06-15 1:39 a.m.

sailing at sea.

heading off to distand lands - unheard paradises full of love. blue clear water everywhere you look.

and the sky suddenly grays. sounds of thunder and lighting. wind stronger than can be imagined. panic....trying to hold ship still.......trying to make it through the storm.......waves splashing, water penerating the inner chambers....desperation.

and im tired. too many useless storms in my past. I CANT DEAL WITH THIS AGAIN. im jaded; exhausted.

but i HAVE to make it . be strong. HOLD ON. steady ship. make it through the storm. the promised lands are getting closer. cant you feel it? dont give up. DONT SINK. do what you have to do. common common common common be strong be strong common common be strong be strong common common be strong. ........................................................................................................................................

aint it ironic after writing this metaphor that the days i enjoy most are storm days? (did i mention i was self destructive already?)

quote of the day :

"pull me out - of the aircrash. pull me out- of the lake."

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