


and the last 10 percent are around my finger which just came out of my ass
2006-02-01 7:17 p.m.

okay this is disgusting and this is where it stops
and as i go through the bus ride of hell, which actually achieved higher surprise accelration speeds than any space rollercoaster i've been into in any disney park ( hey look at me i'm not holding hands! )

and the old indian guy next to me

with his thigh glued to mine

and the occasional light from the street flashes on his face as he tells me " the mind keeps on flickering, the mind keeps on flickering " with a rough indian accent.

"you have to control the miiind"
in the middle of so much sprituality i suddenly realize how open-handed i have been accepting every second truth i hear, and i wonder if this is where i want to move my mind into

i have never felt closer to god (in the concept of all mighty force keeping everything together, not in the concept of the guy who opens seas) in my life, and i'm not sure if i like, and if i want to continue down this path or not. it is a lot of spiritualy, to take in in so little time.
my right hemisphere is working like crazy.
not all indians are nice

not at all

30 percent are genuinely nice and caring ( a hell of alot more than in any other country i've been in )

30 percent are after the money

30 percent just don't care
gripping both our dicks in ours hand, and licking your face

you need to cum? you NEED to cum?

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