


date #2 ?
2002-02-22 2:05 a.m.

i just got back from one more get together/date with that shimon guy.

he's sooo cute.

he laughes so innocently

and he has this baby face

i like him.


so it's 2 a.m.

i have an empty house.

if i only could have thought of a plan to make him fall in love with me and allured him to my apartment and spent the night with him i would have been much happier.

but things being as they are.

thursdays (and sundays) are my jacking off days and the job is yet to be done. (did you really believe i am spontaneous about my masterbations? well you're wrong. twice a week like a swiss c(l)ock)

and after that i very surely plan to drink a glass of wine in the dark and fall asleep to some pj harvey.

just like the true lonely dog i am forced to be.

(naaa i just felt like calling myself a lonely dog........)

oh god i just added the () to the clock and made it c(l)ock and i'm just cracking myself up. haha.

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