


maybe we'll be butterflies
2002-03-10 3:32 p.m.

i've been thinking. about alot of stuff.

maybe i should start believing that after i die i will become a butterfly. honestly.

because even if the idea itself sounds totally ludicrous. even if my common sense tells me to agree with the much sensible scientific thought that when we die we just die.

won't it be lovely if we really did become butterflies? wouldn't it really? wouldn't it be divine? wouldn't it make the whole death thing sound much nicer?

wouldn't it be the thing to make me happy?

isn't my goal in life to be happy? it is.

so i can fool myself. i can tell myself i believe in it. i can tell everyone else that's what i believe in. people lie to themselves every second of the day just in order to be happy. people ignore so many stuff just because not ignoring them would mean mental death. so do i.

and i will try as hard as i can to ignore the little voice of truth in my brain.

so i believe when i die i will become a butterfly. (shuttup voice). or atleast i indulge myself in the thought.


"addiction - the condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something".

i have many addictions. besides the normal not too much harm addictions such as chewing gum biting my fingernails and ofcourse the internet. i have thought addictions.

one of the more serious ones is my penis.

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