


2002-01-30 9:25 p.m.

i've always liked being sick.

well i don't LIKE being sick, as in like like. but more as in : i feel like shit, i have a headache, i feel like i'm gonna throw up. all that gives me the privelage to say : " hey i'm sick", and it gives me the privelage to whine like a little boy, and most importantly it gives me the privelage to stay in bed all day and watch television all day without feeling guilty about it. and please make your sick son some squeezed orange juice mom.

because i'm sick. (i rarely am)


i'm under the false illusion that if i blow my nose enough, and if i spit enough, i'll be able to get rid of all the mucus that's bothering my inhale exhale routine.

i'm sure that my body has secret places in which it hides extra mucus just for times like this.


come to think of it i certainly agree. january has been here long enough and i can safely wave it bye bye and show it the finger while i'm at it.

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