


Status march 2014
2014-03-25 5:32 p.m.

Age: Getting closer to 31.

Sex: Male, though like treated as female in bed.

Sexual orientation: Penis lover

Martial status: Married for all practical purposes with my love omerchook

Education: Masters degree in computer science, thesis in computational biology.

Occupation: Cooks Indian food, both catering events and home deliveries. Makes a relatively small amount of money currently. Mostly sustained by partner who earns shitloads.

Mental health: Relatively stable. Has a tendency for melancholy, and bouts of social in-confidence that are mellowed out by a general affection of the self and a sense of dignity, accentuated by an "out-of-the-box" mentality.

Social status: Mostly friendly to other people, though behind their backs definitely enjoys a bit of gossiping and being judgmental of other people's behavior. Consciously makes a decision to behave in a moral way as defined by the humanistic and liberal values, despite a light deficiency in empathy towards other people.

Health: mostly healthy, but lately has chronic stomach aches and bouts of diarrhea that might or might not be related to stress, to last visit in India, or to breathing too much cooking fumes for lack of proper ventilation of kitchen.

Future: Unclear, mostly but not exclusively occupation wise.

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